Comment, comment, who has the comment?

I always enjoy recapping some of the comments I get, especially those that are obviously from Mormons. Makes me laugh. Especially when they are, uh, angry. Sorry, folks, but it’s silly fun. Like this comment from Amanda, who starts out fairly calm and then manages to work herself up into a pretty good foam by the end. I can almost see her disintegrate into crazy.

Amanda said:

Hi. I was just wondering… Have any of you ever even been to a mormon church.?Actually gone ther and investigated for yourself? I am absolutely intolerant of people who center their whole lives upon thinking what everybody else thinks just to fit in. And that’s exactly what ur doing here. some idiot started a bad reputation about mormons and that’s what linked it. A ripple affect of clueless morons like yourselves that are to lazy to find your own truth. Oh and about the mormon killing somebody. take a look at how many christians have commited murder! Or catholics, or any other religion you can think of! Yeah guess were not so Fuc*ing bad after all!!! Every one of you needs to get a life and get over yourselves1

Um, Amanda? I’ve been to more Mormon Church meetings in my life than I shall ever care to remember. I suspect I know more about the tenets, beliefs and history than you will EVER know, especially if you don’t get on some medication soon. I’m curious which “idiot” you are blaming for starting the “bad reputation” for Mormons. Joseph Smith? Brigham Young? Just curious, because you don’t name the idiot you are accusing.

As for your ripple effect, I laughed for quite a while about that one. “A ripple affect of clueless morons like yourselves that are to lazy to find your own truth.” Actually, your accusation is rather empty, since I actually bothered to RESEARCH the church. Can you claim the same? As I noted, I didn’t just walk away. I figured if I were going to say something was NOT true, I’d better be able to back it up with proof. Again, can YOU say the same?

Now, here’s the part where I really started to worry about Amanda’s mental health.

Oh and about the mormon killing somebody. take a look at how many christians have commited murder! Or catholics, or any other religion you can think of! Yeah guess were not so Fuc*ing bad after all!!! Every one of you needs to get a life and get over yourselves1

I never said ONLY Mormons kill people, Amanda. Murder is an equal-opportunity crime. I’ve always said that being Mormon doesn’t save you from anything, except nasty sunburns from too much skin showing. Okay, maybe I just made that one up today, but it works. Just a note: Mormons do NOT approve of the “F” word, even when you use an asterisk instead of a “k.” Just thought I’d point that out. And I do have a life, thank you very much. Thanks for your concern.

Then there was this comment, from Shaniqua:

You go on white girl! That’s what I’m talkin about. Get paid! Get paid!

Um, okay. I will. Thanks for the support.

Ok said:

I think it’s great that you promote your books, after all it is YOUR website. It’s also good that you have opinions on diff. religions, but have you ever considered that maybe the mormon religion isn’t so bad. Maybe, it’s the people that live that religion. After all they’re human too. Are they not allowed to have faults? I’m sure that Buddhists, Catholics, Jews, Protestants, etc. make mistakes and have followers who are bad examples, people who don’t follow the basic teachings and do what they want when they want as well!
just curious

Ok, I certainly appreciate your curiousity, but I must reiterate that I do not believe the Mormon Church even CLOSELY resembles the “truth.” There is simply too much evidence to the contrary. You can start with DNA evidence, and work your way down the list. I believe that most Mormons are good, spiritual people who are just doing their very best to get by in a crazy world. I do find many aspects of Mormonism harmful, repressive, and often just downright silly, and so I will continue to talk about it. It’s not the people, ok. It’s the religion.

This last comment is either from a “former” or “never” Mormon, but I did want to address what she said.

Trisha said:

I don’t know how you can say you feel sorry for the missionaries. If the tables were turned (as they probably are most of the time) and they encountered someone who wasn’t aware of scripture…..they would be the ones using a condesending tone and “holier than thou” attititute. It’s what they are trained to do when serving a mission. Twist, turn, confuse and state that they have the TRUE gospel. What goes around…..comes around. I feel no pity for them.

Trisha, I actually do feel sorry for the missionaries. For the most part, they are little more than children, sent hundreds–and sometimes thousands–of miles away from their families, with little chance to communicate. They are also not educated in the real church history, and anyone–like the zealous man in the video–can shoot down much of what they say, because they simply don’t understand the Bible, as well as their own controversial beliefs. The Mormon answer to anything is “just pray about it.” If the DNA evidence says that the Native Americans are not even remotely related to Jews, but rather came from Asia, then if you just pray about it God will wrap his hands around your spirit and make you comfortable with your totally UNPROVABLE belief that the Book of Mormon is true. It’s not a very strong platform. Come on, admit it.

When I see young Mormon missionaries, I see people who have been told how to think, what to believe, and what to do their ENTIRE lives. It gets even more restrictive on a mission.

Not only that, but they are hawking a product that most people don’t want to buy. It sucks to be the guy stuck selling the ice cubes when you live among the eskimos.

That said, I know that many of them are arrogant. Have you met MANY males ages 18-21 who AREN’T arrogant? At that stage of the game, the world STILL revolves around them. Just ask them. So, there is where my concern comes from.

Stay tuned for more reader comments…..

About Natalie R. Collins

Natalie has more than 30 years writing, editing, proofreading and design experience. She has written 20 books (and counting), has worked for the Sundance Film Festival, and as an investigative journalist, editor, and proofreader. She embraces her gypsy-heart and is following her new free-thinking journey through life. Follow her as she starts over and learns a bunch of life's lessons--some the hard way.
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26 Responses to Comment, comment, who has the comment?

  1. Cele says:

    I feel sorry for Missionaries, but I think the part that bothers me the most is they are lambs sent to the lions without a clue.

    To make a comment to Trisha, I honestly think they revert back to “it’s the true gospel” because they have no other ground to stand on. How many Christians believe the Bible is devinely inspired? Most. Is it? Just because we are told it is IN THE BIBLE? Yep, that and because that is what our religious leaders tell us. But if you think for yourself, you will realize that the Bible is a history assembled by the men in power at the time of it’s compilation. If you disagree with me, consider why some books made it in, others didn’t. Consider the point of view in the compiled books. I’m not saying there isn’t truth in the Bible, I’m just saying that before we get too pissed at Missionaries, remember they are lambs lead to slaughter being fed no more than the milk of their fathers.

    It is no different thank the difference in those who believe in the policies of one part of the American government or the other. It is those who believe blindly and those who think for themselves. Politics / religion – hate / love. same difference.


  2. I read this first comment with “new eyes” after reading Martha Beck’s “Leaving the Saints”, which I just finished this afternoon.

    It’s amazing to see the veil they hide their eyes behind.

    I read the comments you received when you first mentioned Martha’s book, and just like Amanda, the hate that comes out when questioned is mind-boggling!!!



  3. Elaine says:

    I always enjoy your comment recaps, Natalie…they are, as you say, silly and fun. Although I do live with the fear that one of these days I’m going to say something stupid and end up highlighted. Ah, well…you pays your money and you takes your chances. 🙂

    I do have to say, though, that I know one Mormon…she’s a good, practicing, temple-attending, devoted Mormon grandmother, who also happens to be an English instructor at a community college…who doesn’t shy away at all from using “that word”, among others, when appropriate. She would not, I’d wager, consider Amanda’s use of that word in her comment appropriate, however.


  4. Tracy says:

    So now the Mormon’s have set the precedent about using the “F” word, is it okay for us nons, formers, or aints to cuss?

    Just wondering.


  5. Shaniqua says:

    What do you think about Gladys Knight then, is she trippin? Holla back girl.


  6. No, No, No Shaniqua. I mean, think about it? The world’s BIGGEST BACKUP BAND, the MoTab Choir! Makes the Pips look like PipSqueaks!


  7. Darrell says:

    A good Mormon anonymously wrote my friend Rob to ask if he was really Mormon. At first it was disguised as a tolerant question, but it didn’t take two more sentences for this anonymous person to start the name calling and to let him know that the only votes Rob would could ever probably get were the degenerate, Rocky Anderson fan club votes.

    Why did he ask Rob if he was a “real” Mormon? Because Rob dared to put the word amnesty above a photo of Jesus on his blog.

    Not all LDS people are like this but more and more there are those who seem to think that being members of the true Church means they are enlightened above everyone else in all things, and that their judgment is God’s judgment.

    We want the world to accept our religion as a Christian religion, and yet here in Utah many of us won’t accept that God loves us all, even Democrats like Rob.

    Thanks for your blog, it helps to keep me humble as a LDS member in Utah.


  8. catherine says:

    I too feel badly for people who prosylatize without truly understanding the faith they’re promoting. I always felt especially bad about turning such folks away from my doorstep–luckily we have a front gate which stays locked most of the time. While I don’t enjoy listening to others preach, I hate to be one more person discouraging their labors.


  9. Suzy says:

    Amanda omg I can’t stop laughing at this! I love that you think Natalie is clueless because if you spend anytime here at all you will find truthful facts about that church that they keep to themselves. Like Natalie I’ve been to more meetings than I care to remember and just know this, it’s all a cult. 🙂 Thanks for the good belly laugh.. Suzy

    “Hi. I was just wondering… Have any of you ever even been to a mormon church.?Actually gone ther and investigated for yourself? I am absolutely intolerant of people who center their whole lives upon thinking what everybody else thinks just to fit in. And that’s exactly what ur doing here. some idiot started a bad reputation about mormons and that’s what linked it. A ripple affect of clueless morons like yourselves that are to lazy to find your own truth. Oh and about the mormon killing somebody. take a look at how many christians have commited murder! Or catholics, or any other religion you can think of! Yeah guess were not so Fuc*ing bad after all!!! Every one of you needs to get a life and get over yourselves1 “


  10. Shaniqua says:

    Y’all need to chill with this mormon stuff. I saw the video with the preacher hatin on the missonaries. I went to youtube where the video was, I saw this one too. So funny.

    Check it out, I laughed for half an hour.


  11. Natalie says:

    Okay, Shaniqua, I have one question. WHY THE HELL DID HE KEEP OPENING THE DOOR?!

    Just out of curiousity, what chillin’ is it you want us to do?


  12. Natalie says:


    I appreciated your comments. Very interesting perspective. Wish I could get more like it.


  13. Natalie says:

    Oh, by the way, Shaniqua, I didn’t think it was very funny. But maybe it’s because I already say the hilarious spoof “What if Al Quaeda recruited like the Mormons?”


  14. Marie L. says:

    Thank you for your blog. I am a struggling Mormon. Stuggling because everything I have been told and once believed in…I’m finding isn’t what I had hoped.

    Your blog lets me know I’m not alone. There are MANY of us out there who do not believe the church is TRUE or divinely inspired.

    Despite all the hate mail and unkind words for the Lord’s “chosen Christ-like people,” thank you for writing about your experiences.

    Some of which, have been my own.

    Thank you Natalie.


  15. Hi Marie,

    No, you’re not alone. There are so many like you, but I understand the feelings you are going through. I appreciate your support, and I will continue to write. No matter how many hate emails I get….


  16. Sierra says:

    Has nothing to do with comments other than this IS a comment but don’t you just love how the Catholic church has come out in the last couple of days and made the statement that it is the ‘only true church’…other Christian churches aren’t ‘true churches’?! Right out of the Pope’s mouth! So there ARE other religions that claim to be the one and only. Mormons don’t got the corner on that anymore apparently.


  17. Borat says:


    I read comments, no longer meet missionaries anymore. Will you write book make benefit glorious kazahkstan?


  18. Borat says:



  19. Natalie says:

    But Borat/Shaniqua, it sounds like such a good idea! Shall I call you Shore Rat? I think I shall.


  20. INTJ_Mom says:

    I have a dream – instead of GBH getting up in conference and telling men that wives are their most important possessions (ack, women are not possessions, if that isn’t 2nd class citizen attitude spewing from his lips, I don’t know what is) he gets up and admits that Joseph Smtih was a fraud and made up the BOM. Then he tries to do a spin saying the church is still worthwhile. Yes, it’s wild late night ice cream snack dream, but I can cling to hope…


  21. IT….IS….SIMPLY….AMAZING… mind-numbingly amazing that Mormons come here and start their rant with “If you only knew what Mormons were REALLY about…blah…blah…blah…”.

    How stupid does one need to be to maintain membership in that church? What part of “Ex-Mormon” don’t these people understand?

    Perhaps it is the programming speaking? I mean the one where they hear a keyword like “polygamy”, and they all get defensive and spew their “testimonies” like nobody’s business?

    At least when I was a true believing mormon, I would read the fine print before replying with the best insult I was “allowed” ;-), to avoid acting the fool or looking like one. WHY do these people not take their meds, stay calm, and read dispassionately before attempting replies?


  22. anon says:

    Mormons that stay in the Church despite all of its dirty laundry being dragged out and paraded in the public eye by PBS are either gullible, or have too much inertia.

    The Church’s explanations for things it can’t explain are too weird or vague to be believable except by those that are already indoctrinated.

    A fundamental falsehood of the Mormon Church is that you should rely on your feelings over your logic. If logic contradicts Mormon beliefs you are told to override the logic using your feelings. Everyone has strong feelings about something. It doesn’t mean that their feelings and hunches are factual. Everything that is done in the Mormon Church is designed to stir up strong emotions and feelings. What garbage.


  23. INTJ_Mom says:

    Here’s the thing though, anon. The active Mormons I know think that anything negative about the church is a lie. They think people made up the negative things in the PBS show. They think these journals and histories showing Joseph Smith took wives behind Emma’s back and targeted teen girls are forgeries. They think if there are similarities in the BOM or the Joseph Smith story to other literary works that were contemporaries of JS, Satan planted them. They think Satan is very real and actively doing everything “he” can to discredit the Mormon religion and they just have to be strong and faithful. Apparently Satan also is omniscient, like God, since he supposedly saw Joseph Smith’s life before it happened and influenced ETA Hoffman’s “The Golden Pot” story.


  24. INTJ_Mom says:

    There’s a Mentat teaching in one of the Dune books that says something to the effect that ultimately people believe what they believe because they want to believe it. It really has nothing to do with “truth”. My mom, for example, doesn’t want to even entertain the idea that the Mormon faith might be false, she wants to believe in it. She wants to believe that she’ll see my older brother who died as an infant again and that she’ll get to raise him in the millenium. That’s a source of great hope and comfort for her. For her to admit that could be a lie would be too much for her, I think. So she avoids as much anti-Mormon info as possible and finds a way to discount any that she can’t avoid. I think it’s the only way she can deal with life.

    I think people who leave the Mormon faith tend to be more interested in truth than comfort. We don’t want a false comfort, we want the truth – whatever it may be. People like my mom don’t think that way. My mom would rather have the false comfort.


  25. kd says:

    I feel both envy and sorrow for the missionaries. I feel envy because Missionaries get to go on wild world adventures and experience different cultures. I feel sorrow because are so bent on their own righteousness that they fail to notice what is before their eyes.

    The poor schmucks are forced by the MTC to “center their whole lives upon thinking what everybody else thinks just to fit in.” Although they get to experience other cultures, too many missionaries fail to notice the different perspectives of the different culture.

    The Missionary experience seems to be like a free trip to the Louvre, with the twist that you have to wear a blindfold during the experience.


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